HOME > Featured Products > Medicine Agricultural Chemical Intermediates, Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients(API), Japanese Pharmacopoeia and Various Reagents

Pharmaceutical agricultural chemical intermediates, Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients(API), Japanese Pharmacopoeia and various reagents

We have been handling the products such as medicine agricultural intermediates, various reagents and Japanese Pharmacopoeia are imported mainly from China, India and etc.. We also handle Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (API)
We handle various kinds of products, but especially for Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients(API) and Intermediates we can offer the products by contracting with foreign suppliers or manufactures.
To meet customers requirements, we utilize our strong network with overseas manufacturers and our local offices in Asia countries.


① Professional Service and quick response 【Quick Intermediate Report and Answer to Inquiries】
② Investigate the supplier in Asia, Europe and the United States 【Mainly investigate the supplier in China while we also do domestic, India, Europe and United States】
③ Introducing the trustworthy supplier to the customer 【Visit the supplier before the acutual sales starts】
【Visit main suppliers on a regular basis and submit the reports to customer 】

Delivery achievements of raw materials for pharmaceutical and agricultural chemicals

① Import and sale of pharmaceutical and agricultural chemicals intermediates, reagents and Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients(API) from China
Intermediate: Over 500 inquiries and sold over 200 items.
Reagents: sold over 3,000 items.
API: Import agency business etc.

② Import and sale of pharmaceutical and agricultural chemical intermediates from India · API treatment
Intermediates: Handling various kinds of Pharmaceutical and agricultural chemical intermediates.
API: Import service on behalf of the supplier in foreign country and etc..

③ We also handle Pharmaceutical and agricultural chemical intermediates and other reagents.
Handling of Pharmaceutical and agricultural chemical intermediates and reagents from Europe, the United States and Russia.

Major Products · Compounds

Main Business Model

Contract development and production Development and production of raw materials and intermediates for new drugs and generic synthesis.
We will contract development and production according to customer's designated quality and delivery schedule from zero to almost all compounds that have not been synthesized.
From Sample to Order Synthesis and repeat orders are possible. All orders can be handled from small lot or gram to large lot or kg.
Investigating both domestic and foreign manufacuture With regard to manufacturers who can produce the requested medicinal products / intermediates, we will investigate the production results at our factory, the manufacturing environment etc.
We will visit in advance before selecting and introducing the new foreign supplier to you.
Consignment production We have succeeded in reducing the cost of manufacture by transferring the production technology of Pharmaceutical and agricultural chemical intermidiate and fine chemicals to overseas consignee.
Example 1:About 1,000 tons of fine chemical products were produced as past results.
Example 2: Several ten tons of Pharmaceutical and agricultural chemical intermediates were produced as past results.
Commissioned research We have already experienced with China's CRO (Pharmaceutical Development Contract Organization).
And also we are able to submit weekly interim and final reports in English.
IP correspondence: confidentiality agreement, commissioned research contract.

Contact Information

Konishiyasu Co., Ltd. Life Science Department

Tokyo H.O:03-3661-3175

Osaka Branch Office:06-6443-3391
